What is an Ecomuseum?

What is the ecomuseum

What the Ecomuseo del Sale e del Mare does

What does the ecomuseum of Salt and the Sea of Cervia do

The ecomuseum and its activities: the community that supports it, the projects it carries out.

CultRecovery - Final Video

Many of the central European cultural phenomena listed under the national or UNESCO heritage lack a sustainable approach to their preservation and management. Intangible cultural heritage means traditions, knowledge, and handicrafts, these are in danger to be lost if not carefully

Activities of the ecomuseum year 2018/19

This is what we have done this year. Help us create many new events!

This is Cervia's Ecomuseum

For me the ecomuseum is ... collaborative short film Chapter I

The Ecomuseum of Salt and the Sea of Cervia

The life of the Salinari - Ecomuseum of Salt and Sea of Cervia