Landscape and community’s maps and Heritage Walks

Landscape map

The Landscape Map is a tool that starts from the concept of landscape as an expression of civilization, of multidisciplinary cultures and is in every place an important element of the quality of life of the populations.

Unlike the Community Maps, the "organized contents" of the various landscape maps represent the direction for carrying out activities, workshops, itineraries... that is to say "Cultural facts" transposed on the territory and made accessible to all in the form of narratives and experiences.

Landscape Maps can be generated indefinitely and entrusted in their implementation to active subjects of the community.

Community Map

Community maps originated in England in the early 1980s under the name of Parish Maps. They are maps built with the active participation of the population to represent the heritage to which the community attributes value, with the aim of strengthening local identity and as a basis for sustainable development projects. The perception of a place, a landscape, a time of life, includes collective memories, actions, relationships, facts, values, activities, which have more to do with people than with geography or official history. Creating a map encourages communities to identify things around them, giving recognition and active expression to meaningful relationships with places and activities that are often not considered.

The Heritage Walks

The Heritage Walk is conceived and created by those who live and work in a specific territory and with whom they have particular historical and cultural affinity, in memory and personal experience.
The Heritage Walk has as its main objective the promotion of awareness among citizens, understood as cultural subjects, as well as their interaction with the cultural heritage in which they live and work.

The Walk can lead to:

  • Discover the territory
  • Relive personal experiences
  • Getting to know new aspects of commonly visited places
  • Buried memories resurface.

During the Walks both the participants and the organizers act both as residents and as witnesses of the current use of the cultural heritage, and of its possible future transformations.